Friday, October 2, 2009

Watch without numbers....

Overheard at office, a conversation between two cubicle mates, working on different projects:

A: 'When did you come to office today?'
B: 'Hmm, around 8 in the morning?'
A: 'My goodness, that's almost 12 hours of work, too much of work load these days is it?'
B: 'I enjoy what I do, I am getting to work on end to end systems here and not just at a small piece of code. I don't think that's any load'

It goes back to the old quote 'If you find a work you enjoy doing, you will not be working for a single day of your life'. Well, I find that the workplace is a victim of an overdose of this propaganda cocktail of 'a balanced life', 'work-life balance', 'fun at work' and the rest that tend to treat work as a means of earning livelihood and separated from the definition of the self.

Well, does it really matter from the point of view of an organisation what attitude an individual has towards work, as long as deadlines are met and great products are delivered? Well I think yes, it does indeed matter....that might just be one piece to the jigsaw called 'true work satisfaction'
I want to sign off this post with a short scene from Good Will Hunting where Matt Demon tries to explain why he's able to do Organic Chemistry problems with ease (when Minnie Driver says that 'nobody does Organic Chemistry for fun'. How many times have I heard one variant or other of that phrase - 'nobody works for fun!').

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